Denice Laderoot Is This Week’s Recipient of Caught in the Act Award [VIDEO]
If Denice Laderoot is your friend, you definitely know what you'll be getting as a birthday present! See, Denice takes the time for all her co-workers to make them a birthday cake and somehow she manages to remember all their favorite flavors, so it's not just any old cake, it's your favorite!
Brittney Owens told us all about Denice and the love she spreads to all those around her and it was her letter that made Denice a shoe-in as this week's recipient of the Kiss Country Caught in the Act Award.
If there is one person who deserves some recognition, Denice Laderoot is that person! I have had the privilege of working with Denice for the last 7 years at Willis Knighton and I am constantly in awe of her. She is a grandma, mother, and friend that people wish to have. She keeps a list of all the employees in our department’s name and birthday, and bakes each of us a cake on our birthday. And remembers what everyone’s favorite flavor is! When she’s not spoiling all of us at work, she is taking care of her family and granddaughter that lives with her. She is always taking care of everyone else that she never takes any time for herself. Denice is the embodiment of generosity and kindness. I look up to her so much and want be just like her.
Denice Laderoot, thank you for being an inspiration to us all and a big reason why this is the greatest place in America to live!
And because you've been "Caught in the Act" the gang at Silver Star have a $100 Gift Certificate for you to come have dinner on them!
Take a listen to the phone call we made to Denice to let her know that she was this week's Caught In The Act Award recipient.