The One Trick That Will Make Any Person Appear More Attractive
The good news about this tip to add spice to any new relationship is it works for women too. It does take changing the pieces around just a bit. You will understand more once I explain the tip to you.
I like being transparent and shallow at the same time so let me tell you the genesis of this article comes from research by the University of Illinois. If you are a fan of the human psyche you know we humans are capable of some pretty amazing thoughts. Our brains are very powerful and I truly believe you can bring about what you think about.
So, when we think about meeting someone we usually think about physical beauty at least until we get to know their inner beauty. How can you insure the person you're about to meet looks at least mildly attractive to you?
Pull out a picture of your parents, that will do the trick. If you're a man look at a picture of your Mom. If you're a lady look at a picture of your Dad. I am not implying that you come from ugly stock at all. I am simply saying that in your mind's eye the image of parental authority will make any member of your potential romantic pool seem more attractive.
I know you want to argue with me right now but you haven't tried it so be quiet until you do. Then you can argue with me. I bet this doesn't work for Cindy Crawford's kids at all.
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