Gary McCoy Nominated for a Lifetime Achievement Award
The first time I met Gary McCoy, I remember thinking "I really want to work with this guy!" Luckily, Gary and the Kiss Country crew hired me and I get to watch McCoy in action on the daily.
If you've lived in SBC you've either met McCoy or know a friend of his. McCoy can walk into any room and spot a familiar face and have that person in stitches. He isn't one to step down from a challenge, his favorite challenge being a fishing pole and open water, there's an eleven pound bass out there that can back up my story. McCoy loves bringing out the best in our community, from spotlighting good Samaritans (Kiss Country's Caught In The Act Campaign) to being the first to show up and spread the news about community fundraisers.
Gary McCoy has some big names lining up alongside him for the Lifetime Achievement Award. Lee Ann Womack, David Crowder and Neal McCoy were also nominated.
Being the man at the head of the helm when it comes to Kiss Country is no easy job. Thank you Gary for making the job look so easy and making it fun!
Want to cast your vote? Vote for Gary McCoy here.