
SNL’s ‘Star Wars’ Toy Ad Reminds You Who’s Really Buying All Those Toys
SNL’s ‘Star Wars’ Toy Ad Reminds You Who’s Really Buying All Those Toys
SNL’s ‘Star Wars’ Toy Ad Reminds You Who’s Really Buying All Those Toys
Sure, there are lots of kids and teens buying Star Wars: The Force Awakens toys, but a long, long time ago in a galaxy that is actually this one, Star Wars belonged to another group of nerds — and those nerds are not going to let today’s kids take ownership of their fandom so easily, especially when these kids don’t know that action figures should STAY. IN. THE. BOX.
SNL Introduces Settl, the Dating App For Desperate People
SNL Introduces Settl, the Dating App For Desperate People
SNL Introduces Settl, the Dating App For Desperate People
SNL commercial parodies are at their best when they’re at their most scathing. The fake ad for a fictional dating app called Settl may not be as dark as that vicious, pro-gun parody from a while back, but it’s a different brand of cynical: Here is the app for people who are tired of trying to find the right person and just want to settle down with, well, any person.
SNL Digs Up the ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Screen Tests You Never Thought You’d See
SNL Digs Up the ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Screen Tests You Never Thought You’d See
SNL Digs Up the ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Screen Tests You Never Thought You’d See
With Star Wars: The Force Awakens less than a month away from release and anticipation reaching a feverish level unseen in movie fans since 1999, the timing is right for SNL to gently skewer the upcoming sequel. The sketch is really just an excuse for the cast to break out a bunch of impersonations they’ve obviously been keeping in their back pockets while letting them interact with actual Star Wars cast members, but c’mon, that’s all the excuse you need, really.
A ‘Jeopardy’ Contestant Got Alex Trebek to Say ‘Turd Ferguson’
A ‘Jeopardy’ Contestant Got Alex Trebek to Say ‘Turd Ferguson’
A ‘Jeopardy’ Contestant Got Alex Trebek to Say ‘Turd Ferguson’
Alex Trebek is a cultural institution, a beacon of knowledge and grace under pressure. Everyone loves him. Which is why it’s always amusing to watch the unflappable host of Jeopardy say silly words and phrases in that reliable deadpan of his. A recent episode of the immortal game show saw him forced to say the name “Turd Ferguson,” which should amuse anyone with a passing knowledge of modern comedy.
‘SNL’: Dwayne Johnson Sings About Being “Franchise Viagra”
‘SNL’: Dwayne Johnson Sings About Being “Franchise Viagra”
‘SNL’: Dwayne Johnson Sings About Being “Franchise Viagra”
It has been a regular joke for a few years now that any struggling franchise just needs to bring Dwayne Johnson into the fold if it wants to regain relevance, but thanks to SNL, we now know that he is very aware of the joke. While guest hosting the world’s most famous live sketch comedy show, Johnson devoted his entire monologue to crooning a song about how he’s “franchise viagra.”
‘SNL’ Casts Dwayne Johnson in the Live Action Remake of ‘Bambi’
‘SNL’ Casts Dwayne Johnson in the Live Action Remake of ‘Bambi’
‘SNL’ Casts Dwayne Johnson in the Live Action Remake of ‘Bambi’
Between Maleficent and Cinderella, Disney has found a new way to print money by remaking their animated classics into live action films. And according to SNL, the upcoming Beauty and the Beast won’t be next. First, we’re getting the action-packed, Fast and Furious-inspired remake of Bambi that you never knew you wanted.

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