Sunday September 8 is National Grandparents Day
This one snuck up on me. In case you didn't mark your calendar, this Sunday, September 8, is National Grandparents Day. It's a day designed to celebrate those special people who have always been there with everything from a hug and a brownie to a $5 bill for gas money.
Grandparents have always said that if they knew how much fun it was to have grandkids, they would have had them first. My grandparents always made me feel that they were having just as much fun as I was. I was one of the fortunate kids to have all four of my grandparents and I had them all until late in my life.
In fact, my maternal grandfather, Curt Schwab, only passed away a couple of years ago. He was 95 years old when I lost him in 2010. He was actually somewhat responsible for my entire radio career as he was a radio engineer for our sister station, 710 KEEL, back in the late 1930's. The radio station was actually KTBS 710 AM when they first put it on the air, and he moved here from Dayton, Ohio to help get things started. He was a published author, a former air traffic controller, he could repair televisions and he never stopped smiling. He was a good man and I'll miss him forever.
The same goes for my other grandparents, Nellie Schwab and Claude and Neva McCoy. Maybe some day I'll write about my Paw McCoy, but that will take a lot more space than what they give me on this website.
Hey, if you've still got your grandparents, this Sunday, and every chance you get, make sure you let them know just how much you think of them. I promise, they'll cherish it more than any other gift you could give.