Shreveport/Bossier City Mardi Gras Calendar 2017
Mardi Gras is alive and well in the Ark-La-Tex and this packed calendar of Carnival festivities is the proof!
6th Fri., Royalty Mixer
6:30 pm Krewe of Centaur Events Center Bldg. Dress Casual or 2nd Line Jackets Dinner will be served Cash Bar RSVP Regrets only to Cathy Williams 318-423-3307 cathywilliams0610@gmail.com
7th Sat., Mardi Gras Mass
St. Pius X Church @ 9am
4300 N. Market St., Shreveport Contact: John Manno, Jr. email: sprint213@gmail.com
Loblolly 12th Night Revelers Luncheon
Holiday Inn Downtown, 102 Lake Street, 2-4 p.m.
Full buffet and live music Mardi Gras Casual Attire
Contact and RSVP: Susan Keith susankeith555@gmail.com 318-865-3554
Shreveport/Bossier 12th Night Party
Bossier Civic Center @ 6:30pm
Dress: Denim & Diamonds
Tickets: $40 (plus $10 bottomless cups)
Purchase online at: https://kreweofcentaur.org/product/12th-night-tickets/
Krewe of Dionysos 12th Night Party
Ben Johnson Auditorium, 400 MLK Dr., Natchitoches @ 7pm
Info: http://www.kreweofdionysos.org/index.php/calendar-of-events/
12th Thur., Krewe of Sobek Parade Loading Party
13th Fri., Krewe of Akewa Grand Bal
Louisiana Downs
Krewe of Sobek Grand Bal
“Lost in Space”
Shreveport Convention Center - Doors open @6pm Tableau @8pm
Heavy Hors d’oeuvres
Formal – Cash Bar
RSVP Deadline: December 30
Contact: sabrinamoffett2011@gmail.com 706-604-5564
Tickets: http://www.kreweofsobek.org/Box-Office.html
14th Sat., Krewe of Sobek Parade
Rolls at 1pm
COST: $40 PER UNIT; $65 for 3 or more motorized vehicles (motorcycle, riding clubs, etc.) December 1, 2016 all fees will increase by $10 ($40 to $50 and $65 to $75)
All checks/money order should be made payable to the Krewe of Sobek.
STAGING: State Fairgrounds at 11:00 AM. You will be forwarded additional info when your entry is received.
ROUTE: Exit the Fairgrounds onto Greenwood Road headed west; right turn, headed
north on Mertis Street; right turn, headed east on Lakeshore; right turn,
headed south on Missouri back to the Fairgrounds.
CONTACT: Shirley Pierson piersonshirley2110@gmail.com 318-286-0939
PAYMENTS: http://www.kreweofsobek.org/Box-Office.html
Krewe of Artemis Grand Bal
“Oh, the Places We’ll Geaux”
Springhill Civic Center, 101 Machen Dr., Springhill
Doors open @630pm; Tableau @7:30pm
Dress: Black tie
Heavy Hors d'oeuvres, B.Y.O B., soft drinks provided.
15th Sun., Krewe of Harambee Float Loading Party
16th Mon., Krewe of Harambee MLK Day Hopes and Dreams Breakfast
Petroleum Club @ 8am
Krewe of Harambee MLK Pre Parade Block Party
Front of Courthouse on Milam St. @ 11am
Krewe of Harambee MLK Parade @ 1pm
20th Fri., Krewe Les Femmes Mystique Grand Bal
Louisiana Downs, Red River Room Bossier City
Attire: Black Tie
Tickets: $80 available at http://www.shop.lesfemmesmystique.org/
21st Sat., Krewe of Atlas Grand Bal
“Cirque du Atlas Macabre”
Shreveport Convention Center Doors open @6:30pm and close @ 7:30 (promptly).
Tickets: $75 Black Tie Optional – Black Attire Requested
Music by Flashback 5 with Special Performance by Spinner Entertainment
Heavy hor d’oeuvres from Shaver’s Catering and Photography by Easley Studios
No tickets sold at the door. Go to: www.kreweofatlas.org
RSVP deadline: January 4
27th Fri., Krewe of Justinian Grand Bal
28th Sat., Krewe of Elders Grand Bal
Krewe of Demeter Grand Bal
“Under the Big Top”
David Means 4-H Building, 10117 Highway 171, Grand Cane @6pm
Attire: Black Tie
Tickets: $75
29th Sun., Krewe or Barkus & Meoux Jazz Brunch
El Dorado Casino @ 11:30
4th Sat., Krewe of Centaur Grand Bal
“Masquerade Madness”
Shreveport Convention Center
Doors open @6:30pm – Tableaux @8pm
Breakfast served @ 9:45pm
Attire: Black Tie, Mask recommended
Tickets: $80 available at https://kreweofcentaur.org/product/bal-xxvi-tickets/
Krewe of Demeter Parade
5th Sun., Krewe of Barkus & Meoux Royalty Pet Raffle
11th Sat., Springhill Main Street Parade @ 1 p.m. Info: (318) 539-5681.
Where: Springhill, LA. Begins at South Main Mall, North to The
City Park and returns down 1st St. N. E. to The Mall.
Minden Main Street Parade 4 p.m.
Krewe of Gemini Grand Bal
Shreveport Convention Center
Krewe of Dionysos Grand Bal
Natchitoches Events Center
17th Fri., Krewe Des Ambassadeurs Grand Bal
Sam’s Town
Krewe of Centaur Float Loading Party
18th Sat., Krewe of Centaur Parade
19th Sun., Barkus & Meoux Pet Parade
Former location of Reeves Marine across from Centurylink Center, Bossier City
24th Fri., Krewe of Gemini Float Loading
Krewe of Highland Grand Bal
Krewe of Dionysos Float Loading
Krewe of Harambee Saada Maskhara Bal
Horseshoe Riverdome
25th Sat., Krewe of Gemini Parade
Krewe of Dionysos Parade
26th Sun., Krewe of Highland Parade
28th Tues., Mardi Gras Day
Fat Tuesday in Shreve Town Walking Parade
Downtown Shreveport
Contact: Cynthia Keith 318-469-1325
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FatTuesdayWalk.org/?fref=ts
Children’s Parade
Hosted by Les Femmes Mystique
Bridge Closing Ceremony
Hosted by Krewe of Atlas
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