Jim White of Shreveport has over 524,000 miles on his car! Mr. White, who was born and raised in Shreveport,  is a parts delivery employee covering a large area of East Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana. What is Mr. White's secret? He says its all in the oil. Check out his video with all the Shreveport footage! Mr. White and his high mileage are putting Shreveport in the spotlight! Jim White began wondering how long his car would make it when he hit the 200K mile mark. As the miles kept climbing without a hitch, he began racking his brain, and the one consistent factor was the type of oil he had been using for the life of his car. His only concern now is whether he will outlast his car, or his car outlast him.

I hope he makes it to 1 million miles as predicted by his service department!


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