The Mooringsport Fall Festival Begins With A Treasure Hunt
All the fun starts NEXT week! It's the Mooring’s Port Fall Festival
Included in the festivities is the Margaret Moore Memorial Treasure Hunt!
Winner will receive $500.00 cash. First clue will be given out on Monday October 3rd. The clues will be posted at various locations around town during the week and on our Mooringsport Fall Festival Facebook Page until the treasure is found.
And here's a listing of other events slated for the week.
Mooringsport Annual Fall Festival Pageant – October 1st, 2011
Mooringsport School Gym Rehearsal Sep. 30th @ 6:00 pm
0-9 Years @ 2:00 pm and 10 Years and up @ 5:00 pm
Call any of the numbers listed below for information. Pageant forms are available at local stores or you may request a form via email @
taradotlove@aol.com or terrik555@aol.com or visit our Facebook page
Friday 7th
- 5:00 Red Beans and Rice Dinner- Benefits the Mooringsport Fall Festival
- 5:00 to 6:00 pm Live Gospel Music
- 6:00 Children’s Parade (Judging @ 5:15 at the Mooringsport Methodist Church parking lot)
(Contact Wanda Lester @ 996-7285 for more info)
- 6:30 Live Gospel Music
- 7:00 Karaoke Contest ($5.00 Entry Fee) Children’s Fee $3.00- Encore Karaoke with Terry Edmonds For more information contact Tara Tarter @ 294-2907 Cash Prizes will be awarded as follows 1st- $100.00, 2nd - $ 75.00, 3rd - $50.00. Children's prizes will be different.
Don’t forget to buy your raffle tickets. The drawing is for a 250.00 gift card to Wal-Mart- Look for the Festival Booth in
front of the Fire Station to purchase tickets during the festival.
Tickets can be purchased now by calling any of the numbers listed below.
Saturday 8th- Festival Day
- 9:00 am – until............
- Parade @ 1:00 pm (please call for information on riding in the parade)
- Museum will be open
- Face Painting
- Arts and Crafts
- Lots of Food Booths
- Live Music all day with 8-Track Band
For more information on parade entries or any other Festival questions please contact: Terri Kennedy 934-2587 or Tara Tarter 294-2907 or Wanda Lester @ 996-7285.
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