The Diocese of Shreveport's 33rd Annual Holocaust Remembrance Service of Northwest Louisiana is set for this weekend.

It'll be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 1, at St. Mary of the Pines Church, located at 1050 Bert Kouns in Shreveport. It's open to all members of the public and is held yearly to commemorate victims of the Nazi era.

According to a diocese news release, the service will be conducted by the Reverend Rothell Price, Chairman of the Remebrance Service and Vicar General of the Diocese of Shreveport. The special guest speaker is Joe Rosenbaum, one of the famous 'Tehran Children,' who will be sharing his story.

"God has taught us that to save a single life is to save an entire world," said Rabbi Jana L. DeBenedetti of the B'Nai Zion Congregation. "Eleven-million people, including six-million Jews, lost their lives during the Holocaust and we must never stop honoring their memories. We come together each year to hear new stories, revive old memories and support each other, renewing our commitment to try to ensure that our world can be safe from further atrocities."

Also going on at the event is an awards ceremony for students who participated in the Holocaust Literature Contest.

CLICK HERE for more info on the service.

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