She says that her love of helping others came directly from her Mother, who always demonstrated a genuine care for the well-being of others.

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Chrissie McWilliams
Chrissie McWilliams

Thankfully, Chrissie McWilliams was paying attention to her Mom, because so many have benefited from her kindness.

We learned of this incredible woman in the beautiful nomination letter that her friend, Tammy Willson, took the time to submit.

Just look how easy that letter made it for us to name Chrissie this week's recipient of the Kiss Country Caught in the Act Award.

Chrissie is a dear friend who I admire with her ‘giving heart’. She not only cares for her husband who is 100% disabled with severe seizures but helps in our community where ever needed. Chrissie cooks meals & boxes up & delivers to disadvantaged people in our community of Haughton-Princeton. She works full time as a Realtor & goes above & beyond for her clients as well. She is the first in line to volunteer as I have witnessed many times. Chrissie has a heart of gold & I just want her to be recognized.

Chrissie McWilliams, because you've been 'Caught in the Act', John and the gang at the Magnolia Pit have a $50 gift certificate for you to come enjoy a great meal!

Take a listen to the phone call we made to Chrissie to let her know that she was this week's Caught In The Act Award recipient.

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