Being Grateful Makes You Happier!
I took a quick trip to Seattle to spend Thanksgiving day with my family. We are all so spread out around the Country it is rare to get a big group of us in the same place at the same time. After our Thanksgiving feast, we got started with a tradition that I am sure is popular in many families. We went around the table and everyone took 10 seconds to say what they were thankful for. It was a wonderful thing, we all smiled from ear to ear and it really was a feel-good moment. Why don't we do this more often? I am not talking about the part about where we eat like we are getting ready for hibernation, I'm talking about how we all vocalized how grateful we were for things that we sometimes take for granted. Maybe it was the pie that kept us smiling, or maybe it was the openness of being grateful!
Did you know that being grateful makes you a happier person? According to Harvard Health Publishing's research, we all work better alongside people who thank us and acknowledge our work ethic. Don't you love a boss that constantly acknowledges your work ethic and your dedication? Thank you's go a long way. The same can be said for relationships. "Individuals who took time to express gratitude for their partner not only felt more positive toward the other person but also felt more comfortable expressing concerns about their relationship." According to Harvard Medical School's research gratitude is important because it makes us happy people, and happy people are enjoyable to be around!