Howard Jennings Hart

So, What IS It With the Weather?
This time last year, daylight ambient temperatures were in the low triple digits: 105 to 108 degrees. Heat indices in the teens! So, what IS it with the weather, now? Yeah, it’s still hot, but not AS hot. And it’s been WET, too! This is July in the Ark-La-Tex? Granted, s...

Rube Goldberg Contraption for Easter
Happy Easter! Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus and triumph over our potential perpetual separation from God is the reason for the weekend. God has a sense of humor and enjoys, sometimes, less than the best utilization of time, so, I offer for your enjoyment: The Cadbury Easter Egg Rube Goldberg Contraption. Consider...

Clooney Protests, But NOT For Home Folks
Considered one of the sexiest men, if not the sexiest man on the planet, George Clooney is arrested earlier this week while protesting outside the Sudanese embassy. He accused the
president of Sudan, Africa, of "causing a humanitarian crisis by blocking aid" into the war-torn nation.

“Rich” Means Having LOTS of Money, Right?
Marks Paneth and Shron New York City accounting firm partner Alan Dlugash has clients whose paycheck is earned handling investments. "These people never dreamed they'd be making $500,000 a year," he said, "and dreamed even less that they'd be broke...

Google-Space Privacy; Lock IT Up!
More IT personal security responsibility on the horizon for us. You've likely heard that Google’s change in its privacy policy makes our private information less so. In order to keep your personal, private statistics from being shared with other Google products and perhaps having them used by those you don’t want to use it, there are some Google software setting we need to alter. So, check out the

Broadcasting and Literary “Events of Note”, Maybe?
It's a broadcasting milestone and…a literary event of some notoriety… The 500th episode of The Simpsons airs the weekend of February 19; every Simpson's title sequence chalkboard gag is posted for us to read on the web! I am (descriptor omitted for reasons of psychological import) to say that, yes, I read every one. For your edi...

Busted and Punished!
A Memphis 13 year-old has gotten in trouble before about stealing. Natia’s mom cut off her cell phone recently. She decided she’d just get mom’s debit card and reactivate it, which netted additional punishment that has the sanction of her aunt, even if it seems extreme. Natia was made t...

Shopping With Coupons Coming Back
They’re making a comeback thanks to the present administration policies. NCH Marketing services survey says we redeemed 4 and half billion $$ of coupons last year, 59% increase from 5 years ago. But what do we get for our coupons?
In no particular order, the top 10 are hair care, eye care/treatment, candy and gum, cosmetics, butter or margarine, sanitary protection, first aid, vitamins and supplem

Early KISS Country Spring Lurks in the Shadow of a Groundhog
To celebrate the possibility of an early spring lurking in the shadow of a groundhog, I found out about "Five Famous Groundhogs" you didn't know.
Buckeye Chuck of Ohio. He is one of two Ohioan groundhog weather prognosticators…and declared by the Ohio General Assembly as the official Ohio state groundhog. Might...

School and Team Mascots: What REALLY Matters
Surely there are things of greater importance to worry about. A new Draper, Utah high school gave up the idea of its athletes having the moniker of Cougars…a large American wild cat with tawny coat, because some parents adjudged the name could be offensive to a group of chardonnay swilling, on the prowl for younger men, women! (THAT...

Public Pajamas
Pajama pants, sweat pants, workout pants, leisure pants, lounge pants - - are all about the same from my perspective. I heard the flap about a Caddo Commissioner contemplating writing a ban on wearing pajamas in public because he “saw a couple of men in public and no underwear with private parts about to come out; the moral fiber of our community is dwindling.” Huh...

Tigers at the BCS
(With acknowledgment and apologies to Ernest Thayer, author "Casey at the Bat."
The outlook was brilliant for the Tiger Eleven that day,
The score was nothing to nothing and there were four quarters of football to play,
When Alabama scored a field goal first, and LSU failed to answer,
A sense of Déjà vu rose on those faithful to the Tigers.
Not even a few tur...