School and Team Mascots: What REALLY Matters
Surely there are things of greater importance to worry about. A new Draper, Utah high school gave up the idea of its athletes having the moniker of Cougars…a large American wild cat with tawny coat, because some parents adjudged the name could be offensive to a group of chardonnay swilling, on the prowl for younger men, women! (THAT's a discussion in itself!) So, it’s now the new Corner Canyon High School Chargers. What; a plate upon which to set a soup bowl? Yeah, better watch that; restaurant and cafe' table servers might be offended by it. And users of credit cards, too. We must also remember a traditional horse of the knight in shining armor. It's a safe bet the cats don't care...perhaps to be sure we should ask their therapist. Is it just me? Or does this smack of having no rational or orderly relationship to things that really matter in
human life?