Once, I was a dancing frog. Yes, a dancing frog. A few times a week I pulled on a lime green felt professionally constructed frog costume and entertained the masses. It was hot, smelly and severely (temporarily) impaired my vision. That is not what I expected to be doing immediately after receiving my Bachelors Degree in Communications, but hey, life is crazy. 


Other random jobs I have held:

-Babysitter to the worlds worst children who appropriately enough had rich drunks for parents. (Drunks who always overpaid)

-Birthday party coordinator and birthday song lead singer at a gymnastic center. (I used to hear the obnoxious birthday song when I was sleeping. . and I always would sneak a piece of the cookie cake for myself--I still feel guilty for that.)

-I worked two days at a buffet restaurant where I did nothing but clean the windows with coffee filters for six hours per the managers request. I did not go back for day three.


I can't wait to hear about your worst or weird jobs!

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