Why Is Louisiana Worst State For Being A Cop?
Being a police officer is one of the most hazardous jobs in the world, right there next to fire-fighter and professional football player. To pursue a career where you often have to pursue people who have weapons and are trying to kill you takes courage and conviction. But, it's also a profession that has been tarred by the actions of some who may have the courage, but whose sense of right and wrong isn't as well developed.
So, if an upstanding officer is looking around the country for a job, he or she will be looking for a department that believes in integrity and transparency; one where there's no hint of scandal, and where accountability is paramount. Oh, and they'll be looking for a department that pays well and has excellent benefits and a retirement program. If you're going to be putting your life on the line every single day, you should be paid handsomely for it.
WalletHub just published a report on the best and worst places to be a police officer. The study compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia according to police-friendliness. To arrive at the metrics in the study, WalletHub's panel of experts looked at factors like median salaries, police deaths per 1,000 officers, and the states' violent crime rates. Quality of Life factors like state and local police-protection expenses per capita and housing affordability were also considered.
So, which state in America would be the place to start your job search? North Dakota. That one is kind of obvious. Few people live there because it's too cold, and when you don't have many people you don't have much crime.
The worst state? You guessed it--Louisiana. Our fair state ranked 49th in "Job Hazards And Protections" and "Quality Of Life" for police officers. And there's just not much else to say about that.
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