Top 5 Halloween Movies of All Time
Ahhh that time of year when we justify eating 17 mini snickers, 12 Butterfingers, 5 Twix, and 9 Starbursts, because the trick or treater's don't show. Am I the only one who keeps buying loads of candy for kids who never show? Sorry I don't have a 4,000 square foot mini-mansion in that beautiful community that parents drive their kids to. Apparently these huge homes give out the MEGA sized candy. Sorry, back in my day, we walked for hours and we earned our candy! Maybe I continue buying all the bags of candy because I know I'll end up clearing the bowl while watching "Hocus Pocus". What movie do you put on when you're waiting for the kids to not show up and say "trick or treat."? Chances are you are watching one of these movies October 31st.
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