Ladies, who empowers you? Is there a woman in your life that you can't imagine life without? A sister? Friend? Mother? Aunt? Tell us about her in the comments below!
If I can be half the woman my mother was, I think I'll do just fine in life. My mother lived to empower other people. That makes her a woman to be celebrated on International Women's Day.
A 2018 report from Pinterest discovered that a large number of people are now searching for “women proposing to men ideas”. The number is so high that it skyrocketed 336% from the year before.
Didn't we all know that Mother Nature is going to try and wash away half of our town? I realize it is so easy to forget that the weather will change in 20 minutes.
According to researchers at the University at Queensland in Australia women in healthy happy relationships reported that they gained an average of 13 pounds and every year after they gain an average of 3 pounds.
Nationally, working women get roughly 80 cents to every dollar that white men get paid for the same job. While that's not fair at all, in Louisiana - it's much worse.
Ladies, who empowers you? Is there a woman in your life that you can't imagine life without? A sister? Friend? Mother? Aunt? Tell us about her in the comment below!
Apparently, when a guy is single, he literally smells worse, but it's actually due to his chemical composition, and apparently that's pretty danged attractive to women!