To fully understand how criminal the acts of this caregiver truly were, it's important to know exactly what it requires to be admitted to hospice to begin with.
This past Friday, December 10, around 3:30 am, deputies with the Lincoln Parish Sheriff's Office arrested 47-year-old Leah Fancher on multiple drug charges along with one count of scavenging.
This time machine still does enough business to keep the doors open and pay a couple of college kids to run the registers, make membership cards, and restock the returned videos.
A Louisiana man is behind bars for claiming to be attacked by an axe, then when authorities arrived, blaming the drugs they found in plain view on a ghost!
Local boys (and girls) done good, the Robertson family of West Monroe, celebrates the 100th episode of 'Duck Dynasty' tonight. Fans are gathering at the Duck Commander warehouse and Duck Commander co-owner and one of the stars of the show Willie Robertson says West Monroe and the whole state of Louisiana is to thank for their success. And even...
Lamesa Wade was stumbling around, with bloodshot eyes, smelling like alcohol when she was arrested by West Monroe Police Wednesday night. She had her two year old child with her, and a stolen gas station beer and some candy shoved in her bra. Cold and Classy.