It has been nearly three weeks since Hurricane Ida battered the southeastern portion of Louisiana. And while power has been restored to much of the region, in New Orleans, residents are still waiting for trash pickups to resume.
11 year old Jonathan Benko was crossing the street with his friends at around 10:30 in the morning in order to reach a field across the street from Parkland Middle School when he was struck by a vehicle.
Cedric raised his fist and Larry knelt during the Anthem prompting Coach Mitchem to take action.Cedric raised his fist and Larry knelt during the Anthem prompting Coach Mitchem to take action.
Parkway High School principal Waylon Bates has entered in to the fray by sending a letter home with student-athletes that will have implications well beyond football.
No group has formally called for the removal of this statue, but it is something to see the amount of Texans (some armed) that showed up to make sure that never happens.