Get Some Cash If You Bought This Ice Cream Get Some Cash If You Bought This Ice Cream A class action settlement has been reached and customers of this brand of ice cream Jude WalkerJude Walker
Why French Fries Taste So Good When Dipped In MilkshakesWhy French Fries Taste So Good When Dipped In MilkshakesIt's more than just a weird flavor combo. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
The 12 Best Blue Bell Ice Cream Flavors RankedThe 12 Best Blue Bell Ice Cream Flavors RankedWhen it comes to the best flavors of Blue Bell Ice Cream, there can be some pretty heated debate.Michael Dot ScottMichael Dot Scott
Kid Sings Cussword-Filled Song in Protest After Denied Ice CreamKid Sings Cussword-Filled Song in Protest After Denied Ice CreamKids say the darnedest things...and sometimes they sing cussword-filled songs in protest when you tell them they can't have any ice cream.Michael Dot ScottMichael Dot Scott
Truth in Labeling – 10 Times the ‘Serving Size’ Was WrongTruth in Labeling – 10 Times the ‘Serving Size’ Was WrongHow can these serving size suggestions be legit? Here's a look at some of the most ludicrous food labels that are in your favorite grocery store today. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
10 Times ‘Servings Per Container’ Was a Flat Out Lie10 Times ‘Servings Per Container’ Was a Flat Out LieHave you read the label to see how many "servings" you're supposed to get from a packaged product? Reality suggests nobody eats like that. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Blue Bell is Bringing One of Louisiana’s Favorite Flavors BackBlue Bell is Bringing One of Louisiana’s Favorite Flavors BackNothing takes me back to cranking my grandpa's ice cream maker in preparation for my grandma's cobbler than the ice cream pictured above!Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Non-Traditional King Cake Options in Shreveport-BossierNon-Traditional King Cake Options in Shreveport-BossierSeveral chefs and bakers are stepping up to show off their cool takes on King Cake in different forms.Krystal MontezKrystal Montez
New Website Tracks Broken McDonald’s Ice Cream MachinesNew Website Tracks Broken McDonald’s Ice Cream MachinesThe McDonald's ice cream machine is broken! Oh, the sheer horror.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
It’s National Soft Ice Cream Day and Everyone Should CelebrateIt’s National Soft Ice Cream Day and Everyone Should CelebrateSo maybe the local McDonald's ice cream machines might work today, even if it's the only day of the year.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
What is the New Blue Bell Flavor for the Fall?What is the New Blue Bell Flavor for the Fall?I'll give you a hint: It's not chicken sandwich.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Oscar Mayer Announces Hot Dog and Spicy Mustard Ice CreamOscar Mayer Announces Hot Dog and Spicy Mustard Ice CreamOne ice cream flavor is described as hot dog-infused with candied hot dog bits. The other ice cream is spicy mustard flavored.Krystal MontezKrystal Montez