A Texas woman who pleaded guilty to charges of stealing nearly $109 million from a youth development program for children of military families has received her punishment.
Chesapeake Energy Corporation celebrated the outstanding leadership skills of local Plantation Park Elementary School student Erin Molineaux on Friday by donating $1,000 in needed equipment and supplies to her school. Congratulations Erin!
It's almost as exciting as Christmas. Girl Scout cookies will be here Saturday. I can almost smell the "Thin Mints" as I write...or is that a hint of Samoas? Girl Scouts from all over the area will converge in 3 different locations as they participate in their service unit Cookie Rallies.
An older lady friend of the family was at church with us Christmas morning, and now I'm afraid she'll never return. What started out as an act of respect, wound up being one of the most horrible events of her life. She passed gas in church. And it was loud!