It would be an understatement to say that some of the folks who get arrested for drugs in our fair state are dumber than a box of hair. Then, there's Candyce Neel.
On the flip side of this, you've got folks who only communicate with those that agree with them. Once you fall into that trap, you start sounding like an idiot.
Sometimes when you’re strapped for cash, you’re willing to do the unthinkable. Or you’re so hard up that you just plain flat out don’t think at all. Such is the case with Keithan Manuel, an 18-year-old in Dallas County who tried to mug a cop IN a police station.
While intelligence isn’t a prerequisite for a life of crime, it certainly would’ve helped these ten boneheaded scofflaws. One clumsy bank robber shoots himself in the foot, a thief can’t figure out how to operate a door as a means of escape and another gets hopelessly stuck while trying to break into a store. If criminals keep being this dumb, us law-abiding citizens have nothing to worry about.
A bank robber in London foiled his own robbery by handing the teller his own gun.
The unidentified man entered the bank last October with a pair of sunglasses and a flat cap covering his head. He demanded 700,000 pounds from the teller while brandishing a firearm...
This might sound kinda dumb considering that we are in the heart of Air Force country, but have I ever missed an opportunity to ask a dumb question? No, and today is no exception.
Last night, I happened to be driving on I-20 East Bound in Bossier when I noticed this huge lighted flying object in the horizon...