The votes are in! We had a couple ways to vote, you could vote through the pole or through submitting a form, and tree number 23 took home the Shreveportoply game and dinner for two at Horseshoe Casino.
It's time to make the choice on the great ceremonial bush known as the Christmas Tree. Will you go live or will you go artificial. If you're on the fence about which one to choose here are some pros and cons about both choices.
Cats. They are sneaky, mischievous, and always seem to look at me as if they are plotting my demise. But, this collection of cat videos is just hilarious. Cats and Christmas Trees seem like a horrible, horrible combination. . . see for yourself. Enjoy!
I should have known when my friend Kim told me that the cute little kitten I was nestled with was dangerous. She was so tiny and the moment I walked in the room, she crawled up to me with her 5 week old claws and fell asleep right in my arms...