The Best Christmas Tree in the Ark-La-Tex Is…
Hillary said it best, "Decorating a Christmas is like walking on the beach. It is all fun and games when you're walking down the beautiful beach, but then you realize you have to walk all the way back. It's so great decorating the Christmas tree, but putting all the decorations away is horrid." I could not agree more! So cheers to the women and men who slave away making sure their home looks perfect for Santa and the family who comes into visit. We asked you to send in your Christmas trees so we could find the best tree in the Ark-La-Tex.
The votes are in! We had a couple ways to vote, you could vote through the pole or through submitting a form, and tree number 23 took home the Shreveportoply game and dinner for two at Horseshoe Casino. Sandra Roberts is the proud owner of tree number 23, we know she put in a lot of hard work and dedication, clearly her family and friends were proud too.
Congratulations Sandra, and thank you so much to everyone who submitted their Christmas tree into the contest.