Choosing A Christmas Tree? Here Are Some Things To Consider
If you choose to decorate your home with a real Christmas Tree as opposed to an artificial tree this article is more for your benefit. Those who choose the artificial trees don't usually have to worry about some issues that come up with choosing a live tree. However, artificial trees do have their own special issues that you might want to address before you set it up in your living room.
Some of the bigger issues that a real tree shopper will encounter are size and shape. When choosing a size you have to consider a couple of things. Do you have a vehicle that can safely transport that tree back to your home? Will the tree you've chosen actually fit through the doors in your home? Is the tree you've selected fresh? Do you have the proper stand to ensure that tree will be stable and not topple over once you've loaded it down with ornaments and lights?
When it comes to the general shape and condition of the tree you're choosing there are some things you'd want to consider.
The only thing you would really want to look for is any kind of possible disease or any kind of foliar damage, but for the most part, the grower has taken care of that during the course of the year and the trees are beautiful and healthy.
That's the advice of Christmas Tree farmer Kevin Steele. Steele owns and operates a Christmas Tree farm in Washington Parish. His comments were reported by the Louisiana Radio Network.
Steele went on to say that Christmas Tree farming is no different that farming any other crop. The yield is based on weather and many other variables. Still, it is farming. So, when you choose to purchase a real tree you are in effect supporting the American farmer and farm families across the country.
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