The catch is that you help out Birthday Candles for Kids, a non-profit that puts on birthday parties for kids in the foster system and homeless children.
Marble Slab Creamery (or MSC, as I like to call it) is now open for dates, bad days, promotions, after church or practice - really anytime you want good ice cream.
Sometimes a tweet catches your eye and your faith in humanity is restored. The staff at an El Paso Whataburger knew that one of their most loyal customers was about to celebrate a birthday. Ed Johnson who lost his wife in 2016 started to visit Whataburger every morning for breakfast...
All this morning we've celebrated Bristol's birthday and nearly everyone of the personalities from our six radio stations all made her feel loved and special.
Even our own Cory Ryan got into the mix with the traditional birthday spanking and thank goodness I had the video rolling...
Gary McCoy entered the last year of his 40's today! Happy 49th birthday Gary! Wow, 49 years! I don't know the exact number, but I'm pretty sure at this point Gary has spent half his life "on the air" as a radio broadcaster. Impressive! Share your birthday wish with Gary!
Yesterday was my youngest son Colt McCoy's 10th birthday. Big day for the little guy. He wanted to see the new Men In Black 3 Movie, play games at the arcade at the Boardwalk, and he wanted dinner at Hooters. Yep, my kind of boy!
I celebrated another birthday last week (Hey, I think Chris Evans did too), and my boyfriend had one 2 days later. Well, they don't call me "Last Minute Ally" for nothing, and he got his present yesterday. It was a good one too, some sort of weight lifting bar holder thingie that I heard him talk about once and by a rare stroke of luck, happened to pick out the right one...
My wife has a big birthday this week. In some cases, this birthday could bring on some serious depression....but not my wife! No sir, Julie McCoy has decided that she'll stare death in the eye in honor of this big occasion. She told me that she's always wanted to sky dive, so her plans are to jump this weekend. Might be som...
Nobody really wants to work on their birthday, but if you’re going to do it, you might as well do it on stage in front of thousands of screaming fans — and with your new wife leading everyone in a birthday sing-along in your honor.
That’s just what happened to Blake Shelton last Saturday, when he celebrated his 35th birthday by opening for Brad Paisley — and was surprised during his set by the app