Snack Time Can Get You The Beach Body You’ve Been Dreaming Of
What's the one word that never seems to be shown in a positive light when it comes to losing weight? If you said "snacks" it's obvious you've been on a quest to lose a few pounds at least once in your life. Let's look at five really easy snack ideas that actually taste good. They are also perfect for desk dining too!
- iStock
iStock 1Almonds
Almonds like a lot of nuts are really good for you. Almonds are especially good because of their high fiber content. That means they make you feel fuller faster. Since feeling full is what you really want to accomplish from a snack without downing a cheesecake give those almonds a try. They're easy to pack, easy to eat, they don't stink, and they promote good digestive health.
- saltandpepper2taste.com
saltandpepper2taste.com 2Protein Bars
These can be a little tricky. You really have to look out for what each bar has to offer before you buy. You could actually be buying something you think is healthy for you but is basically candy wrapped in a healthy looking wrapper. Look for low carbs, high protein, and a calorie count under 200. Those bars are out there and they are pretty dang tasty.
- Staff Photo
Staff Photo 3String Cheese or Cottage Cheese
The cottage cheese might get you a few sideways glances because most of us have a love hate relationship with cottage cheese. String cheese is not only delicious but it's kind of fun too. These dairy products give you some calcium and they are high in protein and low in fat. It only takes a little of these to make you feel full. That's what you're going for right? That no longer hungry feeling.
- Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images 4Dry Cereal
Cheerios with no milk are good for your babies why shouldn't the same apply to you? Dry cereal provides satisfaction in a couple of ways. You get that crunch and texture to chew on. You get that sweet nutty taste of whole grains. You can mix in some dried fruit and you've just about got a gourmet meal for a snack. No, you may not scarf down a box of Lucky Charms, you're missing the point if you do.
- Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Joe Raedle/Getty Images 5Low Fat Popcorn
Of all the snacks I've listed this is the one you really need to make at home. Otherwise you will fill the office with the smell of popcorn. Let's be honest the difference between the delightful smell of perfectly prepared popcorn and the disgusting smell of burned popcorn is about 20 seconds in the microwave. Popcorn has a lot of fiber in it. It's very filling and you'll get that satisfying crunch your brain needs. Just try not to shovel the popcorn into your mouth by the handful.
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