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On occasion someone comes into your life that you know was a genuine gift from God. Well, if you've been blessed to have Sheryl Culpepper step into your world, you know exactly what I'm talking about!

Pamela Smith wrote to tell us about this incredible woman and her letter made it so easy to choose Sheryl as the final recipient of 2020 of the Kiss Country Caught in the Act Award.

Just read this letter.

If you don’t have a Sheryl Culpepper in your life you need to get one. There’s so much I could tell you about my amazing friend but I’m going to try to keep it short. This lady has such a good heart. She’s strong, yet kind; tough but gentle; dependable but has a silly sense of humor. She would give you the shirt off her back but don’t think for one second she won’t tell you if you’re stepping out of line or what she thinks. She has a very “John Wayne – no nonsense attitude” about her and I love this as much as I love all the other things. We worked together for four years at our corporate office (Vintage Realty). She was the assistant to one partner and I was the assistant to the other and we sat by each other and became fast friends. Little did I know at the time, that God was literally placing one of my biggest Blessings that I’d ever had in my li fe right in front of me. While I was there she saw me go through some really tough personal family things. I’ve always had Faith, believed in God and know that He knows more than I do and I know that He will see me through whatever He brings me to. However there were times back then that I honestly didn’t want to get out of bed. But this Christian lady (and she is such a wonderful Christian) was a light…a beacon and loved me at my worst and my best. She did His work and I learned so much from her. I learned how to accept Blessings that I didn’t think I deserved and also learned how to be a Blessing I honestly don’t know what I’d do without her!!!!! She lost her mom when she was very young but was raised in an amazing family Christian home and has turned out to be an amazing mom, wife, sister, aunt, friend and PERSON. She loves to help people…to be there for them. I can hardly talk about her without my eyes leaking (and trust me they are doing that as I write this). She lost a brother and sister in law (the brother’s wife) within weeks of each other years back. Both had cancer. She was a pillar of strength. I learned so much from her during this time and tried to apply that when I lost my mom 5 years ago and of course she was right there for me. I know that she does stuff for people that I will never know about because that’s how she it. She doesn’t talk about the blessings that she gives others. But if you watch her…probably ANY day of the week, I’m sure you’d catch in the act of doing something really amazing. She’s always doing something. She loves her family, her work family and her church family and she loves strangers. She was huge part in my growing relationship with Christ. I left our corporate office in 2008 (still with Vintage just different position away from the corporate office). We are still close and I don’t see that ever changing. I can’t stress enough how much she has helped me. I’m so thankful for her as I know others are as well. OH and on a side note – she has the voice of an ANGEL I tell you. So if you do decide to award her, when you call, see if you can get her to sing. I’m pretty sure that is going to get me in trouble but that’s okay, she also taught me how to be brave and fearless.

Sheryl Culpepper, thank you for being an inspiration to us all and a big reason why this is the greatest place in America to live!

And because you've been "Caught in the Act" the gang at Silver Star have a $100 Gift Certificate for you to come have dinner on them!

Take a listen to the phone call we made to Sheryl to let her know that she was this week's Caught In The Act Award recipient.

Former Recipients of the Kiss Country Caught in the Act Award

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