It took a long time to decide, but science has determined "the healthiest meal ever."

Leatherhead Food research, a British company, researched over 4,000 different claims by food manufacturers and retailers before narrowing the search down to 222 food products.  They came up with a menu that is being called the healthiest ever based on scientific fact.

So, what is the healthiest meal ever?  According to these scientists it begins with fresh smoked salmon terrine which is heavy in Omega 3 fatty acids which is good for the heart and brain.  Next comes a mixed leaf salad with extra virgin olive oil, great for maitaining healthy cholesterol levels.  Your main meal will be chicken casserole with lentils and mixed veggies.  For dessert, live yogurt with walnuts.

I was hoping they would include pop tarts and crawfish in the healthy menu.

Read more about the study here.


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