Marvel’s Captain America Is Now From Louisiana

HUGE SPOILER WARNING, EVEN THOUGH I FEEL LIKE MOST OF THIS IS ALREADY SPOILED. Especially by all of the other stories on the internet.
______________________________________________________________________Spoiler Line. Last chance if you haven't finished Falcon & The Winter Soldier ______________________________________________________________________
OK. Now that we can speak freely in spoiler land...Captain America is now from Louisiana. On-screen, and off screen, in Marvel's ongoing MCU. Sam Wilson, The Falcon, played by New Orleans native Anthony Mackie, has officially become Captain America in the Disney+ show The Falcon And The Winter Soldier. Because of this, the show rebranded at the end of the season to Captain American And The Winter Soldier.
I've been writing about the impact Louisiana has suddenly had on the MCU for weeks. The whole time knowing in the back of my head that this was the destination. As a comic book dork who owns multiple copies of Captain America #25, where Sam Wilson debuts as Captain America, I could see the writing on the wall. But know where we're going doesn't make getting there any less satisfying.
In the comics, Sam Wilson is from New York City. That has now been changed in the MCU to bring the character in-line with his actor. Inside the Disney+ show, we see Sam lives with his sister and nephews on the Louisiana coast. They run a fishing boat that their parents owned when they were growing up.
This isn't exactly how Anthony Mackie grew up, but it's closer than NYC. Mackie was born and raised in New Orleans, where his father owns a roofing business. He attended Warren Easton High School and the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts. His brother was even an Associate Professor at Tulane.
So now, no matter how you look at it, character or actor, Captain America is from Louisiana.