Making Mindfulness a Priority in 2021

Now, more than ever, we're finding out that practicing the art of mindfulness isn't just something for hippies, it's a survival skill!
Damn. 2020 WAS ROUGH! I don't know about you but 2021 is going to be all about mindfulness for me: spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially.
That sounds like a pretty lofty goal, but even a step in the right direction is an improvement and I've been working on this goal since 2018. When you break it down, it's really all about stopping and taking a moment to pray, have a meaningful conversation with a loved one without staring at the phone in your hand, resisting an impulse buy, stopping to acknowledge a feeling or from letting yourself mindlessly eat the entire package of Oreos!
That's a lot to take in, but this is how I've broken it down.
1. Pay myself first.
2. Refinancing and consolidating all debt.
3. Set a budget, follow it.
4. Revisit investment strategy.
5. Explore other/additional avenues of income.
1. I'm taking more productive 'me time' in 2021 and I refuse to feel guilty for it. After all, if you don't recharge your batteries, you won't have anything left to give.
2. I'm going to do better balancing my work/personal obligations. I get anxious when I have a lot on my plate and I'm not hurting anyone but myself by saying 'yes.' Here's to saying 'no' more in the new year!
3. I'm going to take time to nurture my relationships.
4. I'm going to take more time to pray and meditate on the Lord's blessings in my life.
5. Sit back, acknowledge, and move on from negative emotions.
1. Complete the Noom program.
2. Return to practicing yoga and riding my horses more.
What are you doing to become a better human being in 2021? I'd love to hear from you and maybe we can become each other's cheerleaders!
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