If you have lived here in the Bayou State for long, you know that we aren't one to beat around the bush much.

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We are a pretty direct breed. For the most part, we tell it like it is. Some might say, "You never have to guess whether I'm mad."


And Louisiana has recently weighed in on a controversial wedding invitation that has gone viral on social media.

The New York Post recently brought to light the story of this couple's wedding "un-invite" that many have referred to as greedy or a "gift grab."

Jeffrey Hamilton
Jeffrey Hamilton

Essentially, our nameless couple mailed a number of announcements to let people know they are planning a "private ceremony."

Those who received the announcements were specifically asked to join the couple "in spirit" so they knew they weren't being invited to the ceremony, but felt that they were still being asked for a gift.  Many were immediately vocal online about their outrage and called it "totally tacky."

When we posed this situation to many here in Louisiana and asked, "Would you still give them a gift?" people were quick to give us a direct response without pulling any punches.

Cool grandma with her thumbs up

One listener responded, "No, I'm not sending them a gift and I certainly won't be joining them in spirit either."

However, another listened flipped the script on us and made perfectly good sense with his response.  "You mean I don't have to put on a suit?  I don't have to hang out with a bunch of people I really don't like?  I don't have to talk about my memories with the groom or say something nice about the bride?  I don't have to get an Uber because I tend to drink a little at weddings?  You bet, I'm gonna get them a gift.

One lady's response was hysterical, "I'd send them a pic of what I would have bought had I been invited."

single electric food processor at retail store shelf, defocused background

But our absolute favorite response was from the male listener who replied, "Yeah, I'd send them a gift. It'd be a huge box of condoms, because anybody that dumb certainly doesn't need to have kids."

Like I said, we're never ones to beat around the bush around here.

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