How Far Will Louisiana Pet Owners Go to Make Their Pets Happy?

When it comes to companion animals, Louisiana pet owners are all about their furry friends!
If you're a pet owner, how much does your pet influence your day-to-day decisions? I know I'm constantly telling my friends I can't possibly stay out any longer because my pups are at home and need to go out. But leaving to go home before everyone else isn't even close to the extent that we as pet owners go to for our fur babies!
According to a new study by CreeLighting.com, our pets influence just about everything, even our choice of furniture. That's right, 55% of respondents to their survey say that having pets influenced their furniture purchases. I admit that it's definitely influenced mine. Leather is way easier to clean!
Additionally, 38% of pet owners say they leave their TV on for their pets when they leave the house to help keep them entertained. On top of that, 50% of folks actually tell their pets when they'll be back! If you think that's going too far, check this out. 7 in 10 people say they would rather give up alcohol for a YEAR than leave their pet in the dark! If that doesn't shock you, this statistic might. 32% of pet owners would rather give up their smartphone for a year than leave their pet in the dark!
While I will admit to telling my pets goodbye when I leave the house, I'm not giving up alcohol to make sure the lights are on for Fido while I'm gone. After all, I'm pretty sure they nap the entire time I'm out. And if I'm being honest, the only reason I don't leave the TV on is that my big guy, Cyrus, goes nuts when he sees an animal on the screen. I don't know about you, but I'd like to find my living room intact when I return! So, that begs the question, how do your pets affect your day-to-day decisions? I can't wait to hear what you have to share!
If you'd like to read more about the study from CreeLighting.com, click here. It's good stuff!
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