Lots of Things That Older Men Can Do That Younger Men Can’t
We recently found out that 70% of men in their 20’s have never shined their shoes, however most all men in their 60's have performed this "manly" skill many times.
Granted, the list is endless of things that younger men can do that older men can't, but it got us to thinking about all the stuff that older guys can do that younger men can't.
Aside from the obvious "age related" things like grow nose and ear hair or keep their teeth in a glass on the night stand beside them, there are several skills that seem to be lost on the newer generations.
We got several great ideas from our listeners including:
- Shine their shoes
- Read a compass
- Read a map
- Pay for insurance on an expensive sports car
- Tell a story
- Make a decision
- Take a joke
- Drive a stick shift/standard transmission
- Use a protractor
- Tie a tie
- Use a slide rule
- Change the speed from 33 to 45 on a record turntable
- Write in cursive
- Know what the CC abbreviation on an email actually means
- Know just how great a "ditto" or "mimeograph" machine smells
Course, there's got to be a lot of stuff we didn't think about. If you've got an idea, please leave us a comment.