LA DOTD Website Great Resource For Travelling in Snowy Conditions
Most of the time driving around the Ark-La-Tex isn't terribly bad, except for the idiot driving 50 mph in the fast lane on I-20, but days like today set the high water mark for fear of travel.
Conditions are tough in spots and could get even more hazardous as the day progresses. And lots of roads are closed making the commute even more of a gamble.
Now let me sound like your mother here. If you don't HAVE to be on the road today, just stay at the house and play with the kids in the snow. But, if you have one of those jobs that requires your attendance, you should check this website BEFORE you leave the house.
http://www.511la.org. That's the Louisiana 511 Traveler Information site, that's maintained by the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development. You can even download their app for one touch access in rush times.
With this site you'll get up to the minute traffic info including traffic cameras and road conditions and closures. It could be a huge time saver for your commute, but more importantly, it could save your life as your plan your route.
Here are a couple examples of what we've seen this morning:
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