Here’s a Do-It-Yourself Fire Ant Killer That Really Works

It's a fact. If you live in Louisiana, or Texas, or any of the southern states, at some time you're going to have to deal with fire ants.
And the sad part is that it isn't a one time fix. You deal with them and deal with them. And just when you think you have ridded yourself of these biting little boogers, they are back with a vengeance.
According to the Texas A&M website,
They were accidentally introduced into the U.S. around the 1930’s through the port of Mobile, Alabama; probably in soil used for ships’ ballasts and have been spreading since.
So, up until around 90 years ago, we didn't have these little creatures from hell. But now, pesticide companies make millions every year in what seems like a never ending, no way we can win, battle.
After a recent rain, I was complaining to a friend about all the fire ant mounds that had just popped up in my yard and how much I would have to spend to get them to move along and that's when he gave me what could prove to be the greatest hack I've ever received.
He told me about the Do Your Own Pest Control website and a product called Taurus SC Insecticide.
I put it out, sticking to the label instructions, and so far I've been extremely impressed. I'll be even more amazed if it lasts as long as it has for my buddy, as he swears one treatment has kept fire ants out of his yard for 5 years now.
Not only does the product boast its effectiveness for ant control, but it will also keep termites and several other insect species away from your home or lawn.
The best part is that it's completely Do It Yourself and can help you avoid the costs of having a professional come out on a monthly basis and it's actually a pretty easy task if you just follow the instructions.
It even has benefits that I had never thought of. One customer recently left a review that only us here in Louisiana could appreciate.
This was a review from May 25, 2021 from Stuart:
I am a baseball coach at a high school in Louisiana. We have lots of low lying areas around here. One of the biggest problems in our area is crawfish. There's mounds everywhere, including the baseball and softball fields. I started using Taurus SC about 2 years ago, it's a lifesaver for me. It kills the crawfish as well as any ants that you may have. Our softball coach has never purchased any and still has crawfish problems!
This people aren't paying me a nickel to tell you about them. I just love it when I find something that works and I thought you might want to give it a try.
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