Has Louisiana Missed Bars or Gyms More During the Pandemic?

It may seem like a first-world kinda problem, but someone actually researched this! I guess inquiring minds wanted to know!
One thing that I've taken away from our shared COVID-19 pandemic experience is that there is absolutely nothing more important than your relationship with family and loved ones. Obviously, making sure you can work and keep a roof over your head and food on your table is important, so is staying healthy. The rest is just stuff!
AmericanAddictionCenters.org did a Google survey of 3,000 users across the country to find out what we missed most, being able to go to bars or the gym. Not surprisingly, 59% of Americans have spent more on alcohol than exercise equipment since the start of the pandemic. That's saying something considering bars generally mark up their liquid libations way more than they do at the corner liquor store. AmericanAddictionCenters.org also found that 28% of us say we've missed our bartender since we were so rudely separated when they reviewed the data.
So, what did we miss more in Louisiana? 67% of us missed the bar more. In Arkansas, 52% said they missed going to the bar more than the gym and Texas wasn't far behind Louisiana, with 60% saying they missed the bar more.
While Louisiana tied states like Kentucky and North Dakota at 67% when it comes to missing bars more, that was behind some other surprising states. 69% of respondents in Missouri missed the bar more, 75% in Mississippi, 80% in Connecticut, and 83% in Delaware. Who knew? I'm suddenly feeling a little less bad about missing my bar stool!
Finally, they found that one in three of their participants more time drinking at home during the pandemic than working out. Ummmmm... I think it's safe to say I haven't worked out at home in the last ten months. Oops. No wonder bars can't wait to reopen!
Read More: Top 10 Beers Made in Louisiana
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