Frightening! Louisiana Is Number One For Gun Violence in U.S.
It could never happen to me, right? Apparently, that thought is all too often interrupted with an actual act of gun violence.

What most of us never considered in decades past, has now become a part of everyday life as new research from counselingphsycology.org reveals.
39% Of Americans Think About Gun Violence Weekly
Among their findings, counselingphsycology.org learned that not only is gun violence something that Americans consider, nearly forty percent think about it every week. Here's how/why they approached this serious issue:
At CounselingPsychology.org, we understand the emotional impact gun violence can have, so we decided to learn which parts of the country experience the most concern. To determine this, we surveyed Americans in each state, asking them to rate their level of concern, along with several other questions regarding their experiences with gun violence.
Louisiana Leads The Nation In Most Shootings Per Capita
Drilling down into their findings, the site determined that here in the Bayou State, we have real reason to consider gun violence as data from the Gun Violence Archive illustrates that in the period from 2014 to 2022, Louisiana experienced the most shootings per capita in the U.S., with about 263 per 100,000 residents.
Even more concerning is their discovery that in Louisiana one of every four residents know a victim of gun violence. That really brings home the reality of the threat we see daily.
Louisiana Leads The Country In Gun Violence Concern
Regardless of the cause for the violence; drug deals, gang violence, robberies or just random shootings, we essentially all know someone who's been a victim and that's horrifying.
Because of that, in conducting the research piece, knowing that fear and anxiety are common effects of gun violence, respondents were asked to rate their level of gun violence concern on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 marking the most concerned.
Coming in first with the highest level of concern on average is Louisiana with a score of 7.72 which just narrowly beat out Texas with a score of 7.46, so those of us along the Louisiana/Texas border certainly have cause for concern.
The study also found that New Orleans residents lead the nation in their concern for acts of gun violence.
First is New Orleans, LA, with an 8.06 out of 10 on the concern scale. On average, 1 in 5 residents of the city think about gun violence daily.
So, not only does Louisiana lead the nation in our concern for acts of gun violence, we're also home to highest ranking city in this frightening statistic.
To see their complete findings, just go to counselingpsychology.org
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Gallery Credit: Canva
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