Friday Motivation: Enter the Weekend Positive and Do Big Things

Has life got you down lately? Check out this amazing motivational speech from Dr. Rick Rigsby that I go back to each year to find my way!
How are you living?
That may seem like a strange question, but it won't be after you watch this incredibly inspiring graduation speech from Rick Rigsby, the author of Lessons From a Third Grade Dropout that was released in 2006.
I won't have a problem if you aim high and miss, but I'm going to have a real issue if you aim low and hit. ~Michaelangelo
I don't care who you are. We all need to reset sometimes and this video comes up for me every single year about this time in my memories on Facebook. It seemed especially poignant for me this year because, like many in the midst of the pandemic, I've been reassessing my life plan and goals. What am I doing? How are you living?
You are what you repeatedly do. Therefore excellence ought to be a habit, not an act. ~Aristotle
In this speech, Rigsgy talks about time test life lessons that he learned from his father, a third-grade dropout that taught himself to read and write and whom Rigsby says is smarter than both he and his brother. Rigsby has four degrees. His brother is a judge. Both are indisputably successful.
Make sure your servant's towel is bigger than your ego. Ego is the anesthesia that deadens the pain of stupidity. Pride is the burden of a foolish person.
Every time I watch this video, I find something new that I didn't know I needed. How to live. How to handle grief. How to live with integrity. Clearly, I'm still a work in progress. I hope you can find the same inspiration I do from Rigsby. Bookmark it. You'll be glad you did.
What matters to me most is how I live. How are you living?
You can get to the 'meat' of the video if you fastforward to around 5:30.
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