Former Biden Intern to Moderate Next Presidential Debate
Well, this news most will most likely ruffle a lot of conservative feathers.
For the next two weeks, you will hear a lot about C-SPAN's Steve Scully. That is, if you find yourself capable and willing to look forward to another debate between our two candidates for president. This week's first debate featured an interrupting Donald Trump, a plan-less Joe Biden, and overall, two very non-presidential candidates speaking over each other for 90 minutes.
There's no doubt about it, this next debate should be at least a little bit cleaner, but then again, with these two you can never know. Many on both sides pointed towards the moderator, Chris Wallace, for his inability to keep control. On October 15th, C-SPAN's Steve Scully will give it a go in the moderator's seat.
I wish Steve Scully all the best ahead of his seemingly un-winnable role.
Now, with two weeks to look ahead to the next debate, there's something everyone should know beforehand. Over ten years before beginning his historic run with C-SPAN, Scully was an intern for one of the presidential candidates he'll be moderating in two weeks. Yes, the moderator for the next debate was, in fact, an intern for Joe Biden in the late 1970's.
Now, what you choose to do with that information is completely up to you. The moment I began seeing it circulate online, like many things I scroll upon, I assumed it was fake or at least stretched news. However, it is true, confirmed by Scully himself back in 2011. While appearing on Cable Center, Scully explained how he entered the political sphere. You can read his quote below.
I came to school in Washington D.C., went to American University and has a couple of internships. I worked for Joe Biden, Senator from Delaware at the time, as an inter, so I had my first chance to really see politics up close in Washington, D.C.
You can view the source below, this quote comes in the very beginning.