Breaking News - Eric Church and his wife Katherine could welcome their first baby, a little boy, any minute. Eric is probably sweating bullets, because he is at work, on the road with Toby Keith while his wife is home in Nashville, dilated 3-4 cm and 70% effaced. Eric is waiting for the call to rush home on a private jet that his record label is keeping near for him.

Eric Church and Katherine Church

I'm sure Eric's mind is swarming with questions:

-Will the call come while I'm in a dead zone?

-Will the call come while I'm on stage?

-Will I be able to make it to the airport in time?


Word is that if the Church family does not welcome their little boy by Monday, that he could arrive early next week by C-Section. Either way, Eric Church will be a proud Papa in less than a week!

Eric Church and his wife Katherine Church


Good Luck and an Early Congratulations Eric and Katherine!!!

From Kiss Country 93-7!


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