$25 million is a lot of money. It's not quite Powerball money but it's still the kind of money most of us would be very concerned if we couldn't find it. That's why the Legislative Auditor’s Office is looking for answers from the Attorney General's office.

The issue stems from 28 different transactions that involved the AG's office and escrow funds.This escrow account receives money from court settlements, fines, and other penalties. The total amount of cash that is unaccounted for is $24.7 million.

Beth Davis with the Legislative Auditors Office explained what their audit has revealed so far about the 28 transactions.

Twenty-six, the department was not able to provide any records to support, and the other two, they provided some record, but they were incomplete.

Attorney General Jeff Landry's office responded by suggesting their inability to swiftly produce the requested records is a function of the previous AG, Buddy Caldwell and his policies and procedures. To which Davis rebuked in a story published by the Louisiana Radio Network. 

Most of that would have fallen under the previous administration, but of course we did have six months of the fiscal year ’16 that was under the current administration.

To be fair to the current Attorney General there was a major house cleaning of personnel when Landry took over the office.

The explanation we got was that it was the result of turnover in key personnel where they were unable to locate records or explain the records they could locate.

The audit will continue until the requested records are located or a plausible explanation of where that money went is found.

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