Every week Kiss Country salutes America's finest!  The service men and women who daily keep our country the greatest of all!  This week, it's Major Stephen Schwab of the United States Army.  Submitted by his Dad, Kenneth Schwab, US Army retired, Major Schwab has a special connection to me personally. He's my first cousin.  He's currently serving in Maryland but has done 3 tours in Iraq, one of those an extended tour.  I remember when his Dad, my Uncle Ken, was serving in Vietnam, I would write a letter to him at least once a week.  Just telling him about baseball and little things around home seemed to be just what he needed in that land so far away.  And it's great to see his incredible service, which is being mirrored by his son, is evidence of a job well done.  In fact, with Steve, the only thing more important to him than his wife and child is his country.

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