#YouKnowYoureOldWhen Shreveport Style!
Yesterday I was on Twitter and saw that #YouKnowYoureOldWhen trending with some of the funniest responses! We decided to flip the script and take it old school Shreveport style!
We know we've missed as ton so feel free to add your own #YouKnowYoureOldWhen comments to the comments section!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember eating at Ma Millers in Cedar Grove!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember the Centenary Oyster House!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember shopping at Palais Royal in Shreve City!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember cruising the square!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember the Shreveport Captains... the first time!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember the Quail Creek Cinemas or the ShreveCity Cinema!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember shopping at South Park Mall
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember Don's Drive In before the tornado took it out where Pierre Bossier Mall is today
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember getting your milk in a glass bottle on the front porch from Foremost!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember all night lock-ins at the skating rink.
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember bowling at Tebbe's Bowling Alley at the foot of the Shreveport/Barksdale bridge!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember eating pizza at Shakey's!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember the A&W Root Beer on Lakeshore Drive!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember eating at the Teddy Bear Den on Barksdale Boulevard!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... your momma ever had to drag you out of Toy Faire!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember a time before Willis Knighton owned everything and there was a quickcare on every corner!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember when the spot where LSUS is was a soybean field!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember when Cedar and Summer Grove were different towns!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember driving through Thrifty Liquor for a mixed drink on the way home!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember when Cowboys was the hottest spot in town and the Texas strip was notorious nationwide!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember partying at Daddy's Money, Planet Soul, Bricktown or Malibu!
#YouKnowYoureOldWhen... you remember every name that Chicago ever had, like the Havana and Seven Sisters!
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