You Can Now Add Your Concealed Carry Permit to Your LA Wallet
If you haven't downloaded the LA Wallet app yet, frankly, you're missing out. This is another thing Louisiana has gotten right. The advent of smartphones has made life hard to imagine before we had them. And Louisiana has an app called LA Wallet that lets you carry your Louisiana driver's license or ID with you all the time, even if you forget your wallet or purse. From the LA Wallet website:
LA Wallet is 100% accepted by Louisiana law enforcement, and the Louisiana ATC fully approved the use of LA Wallet by businesses to conduct required age-verification practices.
You can also add any fishing and hunting licenses from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Calvin Fabre, president of Envoc, creator of the wallet app said:
“Adding hunting and fishing licenses were first with 1800 votes and then adding conceal carry was second with one point six thousand or sixteen hundred votes,” he said and added 300,000 people have added their hunting or fishing licenses to the app. According to the website, the third-ranking poll asks about adding insurance and vehicle registration cards.
LA Wallet now allows you to add your concealed carry handgun permit to you app. The app already has the option to add the SMART Health Card, allowing you to show your vaccine status from when that was critical during the pandemic.
They are also working on expanding the app even further, allowing you the ability to be able to show vehicle registration and insurance information. Fabre said that feature should go live in about a month.
“We wanted vehicle registration on LA Wallet, being able to show what vehicles you have registered in your name and being able to renew that registration from the comfort of your couch,” Fabre said.