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It feels like we've been sheltering in place for months and for singles who live alone, it feels even longer! If you're single, chances are you've turned to online dating. It seems like all of the dating apps have more 'possibles' than ever before. But what happens after weeks of talking and getting to know each other when it's time to finally meet in person? Phase one of the COVID-19 recovery process begins tomorrow in Louisiana, but that doesn't mean it's safe to get all up close and personal!

So, it got us to thinking... how will you handle in-person dating during social distancing? It's not like you can really do the typical dinner and movie bit. Plus, people are NUTS! Can you trust them to take YOUR health seriously? Will you carry Lysol spray with you on your date? Will you insist that they use hand sanitizer in front of you so you know they're germ-free? Will you ask your date if you can take their temperature? What if a stranger asks you to dance when you're out at the club or wherever once restrictions loosen even further? Will you say yes?

I'm single myself, so I decided to throw this topic out on my Facebook page. The answers ran the gamut! Tracey Justice said she'd 'whack' anyone that tried to spray her with Lysol. Bobby Shofner suggested that folks provide negative coronavirus test results to their potential partners. Rob Corley thought wearing a Haz-Mat suit on your dates was a good idea. Chris Davis said, 'I'm going full-scale Rennaissance era courtship, complete with letter writing, ballroom dances, and eventual meetings in person if she is lucky.'

Sure, these are all fun and/or funny ideas, but they don't necessarily solve the problem. You can't even shake hands goodnight! If you're single, how are you going to handle your love life? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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