Things I’d Give Up for a 2020 LSU Football Season
Are we or aren't we going to have LSU Tiger football? That is the question! It's like, yes, we're moving forward and we're just going to be really careful sanitize everything and test our players and staff daily and we're not sure if we're going to have fans in the stands, but we're going to do our very best. Whew! Then over the weekend, the Big 10 conference had to go and shake things up and get people talking about whether or not we should have college football this fall. To this, I say, boo on you!!!
Have you ever wanted something so bad that when you're praying for it to happen that you start making deals with God? Like, 'Dear God, if you'll just do this one thing for me I promise I'll never 'blank' again?' I figured I wasn't the only one! That's why I've come up with the list of things I'd give up for LSU to have a season this fall. Now, to be clear, I'm not saying I'd give them all up collectively, but I'd seriously consider several of them.
Take a look at what I came up with and tell me what you think!