Thank you McDonald's for letting me McCafé Forward. From August 21st to the 23rd you probably saw some random hashtags all over my Instagram and Twitter that had you wondering what was #BeABrewGooder.

You already know that there is goodness in everyone. McDonald's knows that too, and they know that you love coffee. In short, McDonals wanted to encourage us all to share the beauty of joy and goodness through coffee. Talk about a warm fuzzy feeling right?

McCafe It Forward was a 3-day pay-it-forward program that rewards good people with a good cup of McCafe coffee, August 21 through 23. Hundreds of these golden McCafe cards were distributed across the U.S. to Brew-Gooders. The thought is that we could all pass on a free golden cup of coffee to each other.

If you got the gold card you could enjoy a free small cup of McCafe Premium Roast Coffee or Iced Coffee. McCafe wanted to encourage people to spread kindness one golden cup of coffee at a time. I enjoyed a small coffee and passed on the golden card at the Mcdonalds on Airline in Bossier.

Thank you McDonald's for letting me be a Brew Gooder and helping us spread goodness all over the Ark-La-Tex!

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