Texas Street Bridge to Get Major Facelift
Lately, the Department of Transportation and Development has been investing a lot into our local area. First was the 230 million dollar investment into the 220/49 interchange. Then they started repairs to I-20. Now, DOTD has announced some major upgrades for the Texas Street Bridge.
The Texas Street Bridge, one of the major connectors between Shreveport and Bossier, will be getting a 15 million dollar upgrade. The bridge, built in the 1930s, will be getting deck repairs, joint repairs, repairs to the steel structure and changes to the roadway approaches. The bridge will also be getting a fresh coat of paint and cleaned.
The project is expected to start around the first of the year and will take roughly 430 days to complete. Lane closures and restrictions are expected as work progresses. Decisions on closures will happen in the coming months during pre-construction meetings.
According to DOTD stats, more than 12,000 people go over the Texas Street bridge daily.