Research Shows Spicy Food Lovers Think They Are SexyResearch Shows Spicy Food Lovers Think They Are Sexy62% of the people who enjoy spicy food, like real Cajun food, tend to think they are hotGary McCoyGary McCoy
Texas Teachers Are More Overworked Than You Think!Texas Teachers Are More Overworked Than You Think!El Paso teachers, can you relate to this new study? Iris LopezIris Lopez
One Louisiana City Is Considered One Of America’s FriendliestOne Louisiana City Is Considered One Of America’s FriendliestPossibly Gilliam or Rodessa? Nope. Maybe it was Haughton or Elm Grove? Not the one. Then it had to be Stonewall or Minden? Still no winner.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Percentage of Louisiana Smokers Drops to All-Time LowPercentage of Louisiana Smokers Drops to All-Time LowIn a world where negativity rules the news cycle, it's nice to share some news that's worth celebrating. Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Louisiana Ranks as One of Nation’s Most-Fun StatesLouisiana Ranks as One of Nation’s Most-Fun StatesWould you rather be on a list of the worst states or a list of most fun states? Well, Louisiana clearly is the worst and the best of both worlds.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
If You Won a Lifetime Supply of the Last Thing You Bought, What Would it Be?If You Won a Lifetime Supply of the Last Thing You Bought, What Would it Be?If You Won a Lifetime Supply of the Last Thing You Bought, What Would it Be? Shreveport-Bossier tells all with hilarious results!BristolBristol
1 in 3 Louisiana Cars are So Dirty-There’s No Room for Passengers1 in 3 Louisiana Cars are So Dirty-There’s No Room for PassengersMy vehicle is far from the dirtiest. How do I know? Well, I can fit several other humans in the car besides my self.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
The Average Couple Spends 44 Hours a Year Arguing Over ThisThe Average Couple Spends 44 Hours a Year Arguing Over ThisThe results show that the average American couple butts heads over this at least 3 times a week! Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Shreveport 2020 Gets 31 More 95+ Degree Days Than It Did in 1970Shreveport 2020 Gets 31 More 95+ Degree Days Than It Did in 1970Shreveport is the #1 city in Louisiana in regards to an increase in days sweltering under 95+ degree temperatures.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Study Shows 1-in-6 Louisiana Workers Dislike Their BossStudy Shows 1-in-6 Louisiana Workers Dislike Their BossLet me start by proudly saying I'm happy to find myself in the group of 5 that love their boss.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Kiss Country Listeners Near Even Split on Mask MandateKiss Country Listeners Near Even Split on Mask MandateLet me start by saying that I've been wrong so many times in my life that I've almost developed a "taste" for crow.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Would You Visit the Future or the Past in a Time Machine?Would You Visit the Future or the Past in a Time Machine?If time travel were possible, which would you prefer? Travel to the future or take a trip back in time?Gary McCoyGary McCoy